Kyle O'Neal on creating a healthy culture of worship with the band and how to lead people on and off the stage

The leading we do on a Sunday morning is just a small part of the opportunity we have with people. A good part of our effectiveness as worship pastors happens off the stage during the week. Kyle O'Neal is one of the worship pastors at Life.Church, and in our conversation we talk about the importance of investing in the people in your church and how to practically do it. We also discuss how to lead those in your band and running tech to become worshippers who build worshippers.

The leading we do on a Sunday morning is just a small part of the opportunity we have with people. A good part of our effectiveness as worship pastors happens off the stage during the week.

Find Kyle O'Neal online:

In the bonus round, the book Kyle recommended is "Called to Create: A Biblical Invitation to Create, Innovate, and Risk" by Jordan Raynor.

The three axioms that define the worship ministry of Life.Church are:

  1. We are worshippers that build worshippers

  2. We are pastors that pursue excellence

  3. We are leaders that follow first

When talking about leaders that follow first, Kyle referenced this Derek Sivers' TED Talk called "How to start a movement." 

All the creative elements that Life.Church creates are available to download on their Open Network church resources website. There's over 35,000 sermons, transcripts, kids lessons, worship songs, art and graphics, and the entire two-year Bible App for Kids Curriculum package available all for FREE.

Something I mentioned very briefly in this episode is my experience of working with a senior pastor where the relationship between us was strained. If you're in a place where you feel like you're being pushed out or dealing with what I call "church hurt," check out this podcast episode. It's the story of what happened to me personally in the summer of 2018. When you're going through a hard season in ministry, sometimes it's nice to hear another person's story to know you're not alone.

And finally, we're back after a six month break because of my cancer diagnose. To learn more about that story, check out this YouTube video.

If you need help getting unstuck in your worship ministry, I’m making myself available on Fridays for one-hour coaching calls. For pricing information and to schedule a time, check out the coaching page.

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